1887 – Derry Guildhall

The Guildhall was originally built in 1887 by The Honourable The Irish Society at a cost of £19,000.00 and was officially opened in July 1890. Originally designed by J.C Ferguson, elaborate Gothic windon to the south is by M.A. Robinson. Bombed twice in 1972, the building was refurbished and reopened in 1977 at a cost of £1.7m. Fashioned in neo gothic style it is one of the most striking buildings in the northwest. Housed in the Guildhall are some of the finest examples of stain-glass windows in the whole of Great Britain. Decorated with Drumfrese sandstone, marble, oak panelling and ornate ceilings, the Guildhall is the premier tourist attraction in Derry.

Architect: J.C. Ferguson / M.A. Robinson

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